Saturday, November 22, 2008

Benefit Helps Solve Murder & Missing Person Cases


KANSAS CITY, Mo. - If you know something, say something. That's the message from local parents at a fundraiser for murdered and missing children.

Dozens joined together in Kansas City Saturday afternoon for the 65-mile benefit ride and poker run.

Organizers say the third annual ride drew the biggest crowd yet.

Parents welcomed the support but say nothing can take away their pain.

"In a way every day is a bad day because you just want to make up one day and not miss them so much and that's never going to happen," said Misty Kirwan.

Misty's son, 21-year-old Chris Bartholomew, was killed in a drive-by shooting in Westport last spring. But he wasn't the target.

"His killers are still walking the streets and nobody's talking," she said.

Becky Klino hasn't seen her son for seven and a half years. Branson Perry was last seen outside his father's home in Skidmore, Missouri.

"Branson had a heart of gold," said Becky.

Knowing Branson could be alive keeps Becky going.

"Chances are real slim and that's the hardest thing, but you have to keep believing."

Branson's stepfather drives a special van everyday. It has a picture of his son on one side and Chris Bartholomew on the other.

It keeps their faces fresh in the public eye. It's also a reminder that a senseless crime can happen to anyone.

"You don't know what's behind somebody's face. You don't know what's going to happen when you drive down the street. And it's scary," said Becky.

Branson Perry reward recently doubled to $20,000. Chris Bartholomew's reward is $30,000.

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